Before Downloading
Before downloading the demo version of iCorrect OneClick Plug-in, please share a bit of information with us so we can stay in touch and keep you up to date with important announcements, special offers and product updates. Confirmation Instructions After you submit the registration information you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. When we receive your confirmation you will be directed to the iCorrect OneClick demo download page. If you do not receive a confirmation email shortly, please check your spam, bulk, or junk mail folders. If you find the email there, your ISP or your spam blocker or filter software is diverting you emails. The confirmation process is for your protection to ensure no one is trying to register you without your permission. If you are unable to locate the confirmation email please contact PictoColor Customer Service for assistance. Privacy Policy We do not share our email lists with any other organization. You have the option of canceling your email registration at any time. |